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Attracting Your Divine Counterpart

  • 21 Days
  • 2 Steps


This charming 21 day course will clear your attachments to past relationships and transmute those patterns which seem to attract to you the same romantic partner with a different face! This course will align you with the energetic vibration of your Divine and Sacred Romantic Counterpart – this may be your soulmate or even your Twin Flame. We will discuss and practice visualisations concerning both should contract lovers and Twin Flames. You will be attuned to Mary Magdalene Reiki and to the Sacred White Rose Initiation. This course has a workbook, recordings to repeat, tasks to complete and lasts for 21 days. You *will* attract your Divine Counterpart after completing this course. When I followed these steps myself, 6 years ago, I began in November 2016 and my Twin Flame came to me in April 2017, we moved in together in September 2017 and have been committed to each other and our soul contract since then. For those of you already in a loving relationship, this course will deepen your connexion and align you spiritually – if you feel somehow ‘more into’ spiritual development than your romantic partner, this course will, like ‘magic’ bring them up to your level in both intent and practice. *as a bonus for 2022, in addition you can choose to be attuned to either TWIN FLAME REIKI or SOULMATE REIKI*

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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